
Please click on any link or picture to go to the specific product page.


Dowsing Rods

The very best one can find and use.

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Metal Pendulums

A wide range of metal pendulums are available, each specifically suited for a certain purpose. Economical, sturdy, rugged, perfect for work in the field.
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Pendulum pouch

Pochette pour pendule : cliquez pour plus de détails

The safer and practical way to carry your radiesthesic tools. Click for more details

Light Rings

Anneaux de Lumière : cliquez pour plus de détails

Place a bottle of water inside the ring and within less than an hour you have got extremely high energy water. Also good for clearing headaches and works for a variety of applications. Click for more details

Click here for a related article on Light Rings and other.

Seed of Life

La Graine de la Vie : cliquez pour plus de détails

Beautiful to look at, this seed of life will let you uncover who you really are during your meditation. These are the first 7 circles of the Flower of Life. Made of gold-plated copper rings, 1-cubit in diameter, with a series of amethysts, at the intersections. Click for more details

Click here for a related article on Light Rings and other.