Yamoussoukro’s menhir
by Richard Benishai | Articles
Abidjan, Septembre 2007
On a trip to Yamassoukro, the capital of the Ivory Coast, 2 hours north of Abidjan, I visited with a friend and student of mine, a place of higher learning for engineers and architects (Ecole Nationale Superieure des Travaux Publiques).
While walking around, Felix pointed to a Guava tree that had grown crooked (Figure 1).

Figure 1
He also mentioned another tree nearby that looked sick (Figure 2).
The hour was late, but we checked out the place.

Figure 2
The layout of the area is shown here under :

Location of the trees and stones at Ecole Nationale Supérieure
Next to the two trees, there were two huge boulders. Near one boulder, I saw three small termite hills, shaped as umbrellas (Figure 3).

Figure 3
While searching with my telescopic antennas, I detected that the large tree was centered on a crossing of two water currents and a double crossing of Curry and Hartmann lines passed under its trunk. Could not have been worst !
Energy-wise, I measured a level of 4,000 Bovis while standing within the major current. Remember that 12,000 Bovis establishes a neutral location. (For more details on the meaning and definition of the parameters used here, refer to the article on Energy Parameters).
So, 4000 Bovis is quite negative.
Next to the large tree and centered over the crossing of both currents, the energy level dropped to 1000 Bovis. As a result of this geopathic disturbance, the guava tree grew completely bent, and had sick fruits (Figure 4).

Figure 4
We measured the vibration of a fruit and found 9,000 Bovis. A similar fruit found on the market, was measured at 19,000 Bovis.
The large tree next to the guava tree was slightly twisted and a large part of it was completely rotten, eaten away by the termites (Figure 5).

Figure 5
The large boulders were in front of the trees (Figure 6).

Figure 6
One of them was exactly over the underground water current (Figure 7).

Figure 7
The ground between the trees and the boulder was at 4000 Bovis, while the ground on the other side was at 12,000 Bovis. This large boulder had acted as a menhir, transmuting the negativity into positive energy. The large boulder was 2.70 meters high and had a span of 3.40 meters.
At a distance of several meters from the boulder and while standing over the current, the level of the energy was still positive, while gradually returning to the 4000 Bovis level. This was the exact principle used by our ancestors when positioning menhirs to render their living area, positive.
Menhirs were blocks of stone, cut and fashioned so as to have a square, tall appearance; a portion of the menhir was inserted in the ground.