Montserrat – Fingers to the Skies

by Richard Benishai | Articles

On the 23 of May 2009, with a couple of friends, I had the opportunity to visit a very strange looking mountain, approximately 50 km to the north-west of Barcelona, Spain.


When seen from the distance, one can imagine that they are looking at mountains on the moon. The mountainous peaks look like fingers reaching to the skies I had heard of this chain of mountains a while back, when one of my Spanish contacts, had asked me to take an energy reading of this place. The peaks reach a height of over 1200 m.

The place is called Montserrat which in Spanish means “ridged mount”. I took pictures of the mountains from the distance (see Figure 1).


Figure 1 : Montserrat and the mountain

The awe-inspiring mountain was created as it looks today about 25 million years ago, with an erosion process setting in. It is thought that this area was under water, causing sediment to form a type of concrete. Vertical cracks in the stony configuration of the mountain caused large sections of the rock to fall off, leaving a number of fingers, sticking out (see Figure 2). Underground, chemical processes, caused a number of caves and tunnels to appear.

Figure 2 : Montserrat

At this location, an abbey has been built with an underground shrine. While walking to the abbey, we crossed a large number of mountain climbers, as this location is most popular and challenging for this sport. Upon arriving at the abbey, I was amazed by the number of large buildings, tourist stores, restaurants and cable cars. At the foothill of Montserrat is a Benedictine monastery that houses a famous shrine of the Black Madonna.

There is also a special train running up and down the mountain with the help of a toothed central rail. We had just a few minutes left before closing time (20:00); even at this late hour, there was plenty of light to take measurements and photographs. Entering the monastery, there was a very wide courtyard with a round design in the center (see Figure 3).


Figure 3 : The patio

My friend proceeded to walk about with dowsing antennas, attracting the attention of several visitors. I checked and found that there was a good size chimney at the center of the circle. The chimney had a 10 meter diameter and an energy level close to 10 million Bovis. Previously, from Israel, I had measured about 9 million Bovis for the entire area, not looking for anything in particular.

Figure 4 : details of the patio

Based on previous experience, I knew I had come there, even for a short time, for some reason: to activate this chimney. Once I had done so, the diameter increased to 20 meters and the energy level went up to 22 millions. This is the usual case when I activate chimneys, with the size and energy level doubling.

Then, I asked if I should connect this site to the Hi-Energy line running through Israel. I received a “yes”, and so I did it. After the activation, the level went up to 36 million Bovis. Today is the 29 of May. The level has reached 52 million Bovis.

Discussing this event with some friends, I was told that Montserrat was one of the Earth’s chakras. My friend further proceeded to explain that Barcelona is the Creative Component of the Planetary Heart Chakra. Montserrat’s creative heart force consists of two parts – the mountain and the monastery. It is part of a triangular configuration:

  • Inspirational – Glastonbury and Shaftesbury, England
  • Structural – Brandenburg Gate, Berlin, Germany
  • Creative – Montserrat, Barcelona, Spain.