by Richard Benishai

Originally published on nov 10, 2010

 Abstract: This paper reveals the basis for the renewed relationship between man and natures, the explanation behind the historical break -dating back to Atlantis- and the recent rise in the level of consciousness inadvertently afforded to man, by the Sirian (Sirius) experiment. This experiment, performed back in 1972, prevented the destruction of the entire planet Earth. 

Sun flares

It started 275 years ago. The proof of this long story was given by newspapers throughtout the world, back in August 1972. That is when it happened.

Searching for articles to back-up the story first told to us back two years ago, while attending a workshop given in Israel by Drunvalo Melchizedek, I spent a few hours in the main library of Tel-Aviv University. While looking through yellowed copies of the Herald Tribune, for the month of August 1972, I found proof that the sun did indeed expand and disturbed communications. All articles listed were from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, a US federal agency, with headquarters in Boulder, Colorado. Back in 1972, this agency had 15 sites around the world to study the sun, in particular for solar flares.

August 6: “Big Series of Solar Storms Disrupts Communications– A series of solar flares has set off one of the biggest geomagnetic storms ever measured. Radio and telephone communications have been disrupted or totally blacked-out over wide areas….. the flares had generated one of the biggest five storms ever recorded by the Agency during its 30 years of existence.”

August 7: “2 more Flares Burst on the Sun’s Surface– The ninth and largest flare recorded in the past week of sun activity, exploded on the surface of the sun today. The flare which burst over a 2.8 billion square miles of the sun’s surface was actually the second such explosion.”

August 10: “Sun Flare Study is Disappointing – Officials at the space environment laboratory say the current series of solar flares and the resulting geomagnetic storms, have had surprisingly little effect on earth communications…. Friday’s geomagnetic storm was of great intensity but the impact was surprisingly minimal… The series of flares began unexpectedly on August 2 and has continued daily.”

Now why would an official of a US federal agency sound disappointed, even surprised that more damage was not done. If he only knew then!

The background

Due to the misuse of knowledge, by some of the people living 13,000 years ago on Atlantis (the Lost Continent) regarding the Mer-Ka-Ba, regarding man’s connections with nature and abuse of telepathic powers, Atlantis was destroyed by the Higher Level Hierarchy. As a secondary consequence of the fall of Atlantis, the human level of conciousness also dropped deep into third-dimensional world consciousness.

And so about that time (13,000 years ago), the rebuilding of the conciousness grid, around our planet was undertaken. This is not science fiction, although it may be hard to digest by some people. This grid – referred to as the Messiah Consciousness grid or sometimes as the Fourth Level Consciousness grid – uses a network of sacred temples and sites around the world. It took a long, long time to rebuild it, over 13,000 years!

Independently, the sun was having one of its periodical upsets: its expansion into a helium sun. Prior to this expansion into a helium mass, the sun was fusing hydrogen atoms to make helium. This process occurs over billions of years, until helium atoms (3) fuse to generate a carbon atom. This new fusion was supposed to occur around August 1972. According to Drunvalo’s story, the entire earth and all living entities on that planet, would be burned to a crisp by this new fusion, unless the Messiah Consciousness grid was completed and our level of consciousness would rise to this level.

Coming to help

About 1700, the Sirians (from planet Sirius), realized that the construction of the Messiah Consciousness grid would not be completed in time to prevent the 1972 expansion of the sun from creating unreversible damage to the planet. So about that time they searched for an answer to the problem, far and wide, all over the galaxy. Finally, an answer was found. The Sirians received permission to help, since no one, I repeat no one, was to survive this holocaust. However, in helping us, they would interfere with our history and change our DNA. So they had to come up with a way to do it without our knowledge. They searched high and low, throughout the entire universe, until they found a single being with a possible answer.

If you have read until now, then continue. If you don’t believe what you have read, remember that space travel would have sounded outrageous to people, back in 1900.

The solution

This may sound like Star Trek, but that’s how it was. The Sirians positioned a giant spaceship way outside the planet, in the fourth dimension; it was invisible to our radar. Then, they located eight objects, 1600 km from the surface of the Earth. See figure 1.

Figure 1  How the Sirians Located their Star

   Tetrahedral Field around the Earth

Then, using the fourth dimension, the Sirians beamed enormous amounts of data from their mother ship to the eight objects around the earth. Picture now each of these eight objects beaming the data to the center of the Earth and imagine the data emerging from the center of the Earth and covering each and every square centimeter on the planet! This energy field entered each human being at his original eight cells and from there it covered the person’s star tetrahedral field. Now, a unique holographic field was created around each human, allowing the Sirians to alter human consciousness.


Thus, the Sirians generated a holographic field around the Earth, that recreated the outer reality of space. This same field would be used to protect the Earth against the deadly expansion of the Sun. The Earth would be engulfed with fire, but we would not know it.

The plan was to take our free will away for a short time in order to make quick changes in our DNA, then restore our will to the point where we would begin to control our evolutionary patterns. All this to lead the humanity as fast as possible into Messiah Consciousness or fourth dimension consciousness.The big day


The big day (August 7th) came and according to newspapers, a great disturbance was created by the Sun’s expansion. The solar wind reached 2,500,000 miles per hour for three days. At 1519 hours GMT (11:19 a.m. EDT), the most powerful solar flare ever measured was observed on Earth. [from Wikipedia].


The experiment was successful, incredibly so. And we are still here to talk about it. Three months later, well after the sun calmed down again, the Sirians began their work on changing our consciousness.


For two years (from June 1972 until the end of 1974) we had no free will. All events were programmed and so were our reactions to these events, in order to force our spiritual growth. It is now clear why I took certain radical steps in October 1974, which changed my entire life. Gradually, our free will was returned. By 1989 the Messiah Consciousness grid was completed.


As the experiment progressed, we became the focus point for the entire universe. The reason: we were evolving at an exponential speed, faster than any other life form had ever achieved. This change was clear to the Higher Spiritual Hierarchy, triggering the next phase of our development.

Devic enslavement in Atlantis


This next paragraphs are based on a story from a good friend, Christan Hummel, from California. Apparently, back in the middle 70s, her group was in contact with local spiritual beings, who were more than willing to help us, humans. For several years they were doing spiritual, underground work, keeping quiet about it.


We are back again in Atlantis, 13,000 years ago, prior to the sinking of the continent. At that time, man was very close to nature’s spiritual world. We shall refer to this spiritual world as the Devic Kingdom or the world of the Devas.

As, it was a marriage between man (male polarity) and the Devas (female polarity). The Devas were always waiting for man’s commands to act man’s desires. The well-known story of Aladin and the genie in the bottle, is a good example of a Devic form awaiting man’s commands to act them out. So it was then, 13,000 years ago, until man started taking advantage of his position, to enslave Devas. Through his greed and ego, man even managed to fight his wars using – or more correctly abusing – the Devas. As a result, the Spiritual Hierarchy, decided to break this union. Only a few on our planet were allowed to maintain contact with the Devic realm: witches, magicians, shamans, etc…, while the rest of humanity was kept away from further contact.

Back in business


Due to the Sirian experiment, our ensuing rapidly-developing consciousness was noticed by the Higher Spiritual Hierarchy, who then decided to let the Devic and human kingdoms to join forces again. This time, the Spiritual Hierarchy made sure that the relationship would be limited and that the Devas could no longer be enslaved. Thus, in 1975, a relationship, based on cooperation and co creativity, was formed anew.


Today, there are hundreds of groups around the planet working in close cooperation with the Devas for the betterment of the planet and to assist the Earth in its transition to another level of consciousness.



Special thanks to Drunvalo Melchizedek for his continous help to mankind and to Christan Hummel for her ongoing love and perseverance in enlightening us with the knowledge on the Devic kingdom.