Property Clearing
Note that a standard home is considered to be a 3-bedroom apartment, with salon, kitchen and bath. Larger size residences are quoted per additional room at the rate of 35 Euros per room, for houses/appartements from 7 to 10 rooms. From 11 to 15 rooms the rate is of 25 Euros per room From 16 to 20 rooms the rate is of 15 Euros per room
Product : Property Clearing Price : 250 Euros
Harmonisation de Propriété Prix : 250 Euros
For your request to be processed, the following information is essential: Please scan and send the plan for each floor, by e-mail to : [email protected] On the plan, indicate your first and last names, your complete address and your fixed and portable telephone numbers. In addition to the house plans, provide a plan of your property in respect to your neighbors and show the street(s). All plans can be done by hand with a ruler or by using a computer.