
A two-day, concentrated workshop, dealing with hands-on experience.
Participants learn by doing. Classroom explanations complement field work.. Read more

This two-day course gives you the chance to perform exercises on the mental and physical level.
You will learn how to block negative energy from underground water streams, move Hartmann/Curry networks, and transpose/create chimneys and vortexes. Read more

This two-day course brings you a special enlightment on a topic combining energy, architecture and spirituality :
How are dowsing and Geobiology serving the Christian faith? Read more

How to detect black energy and entities ? Then how to get rid of these nuisances ? And finally, how to protect yourself. Read more.


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Training in Portugal July 2010-08-23

Formation a la Biogeologie



Aprende a limpiar una propiedad de todas sus energías negativas con el método a distancia de Richard Benishai.

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by | Jun 2, 2020



This course is intended for everyone and for those who enter in contact with people: doctors, dentists, therapists, massagers, etc. The problem we encounter all the time is that people charged with black energies/entities transfer some of these to receptive clients during treatment or contact. The clients, in turn, pass these to others, as for a virus. It is a continuous fight!   The course provides the steps, techniques and means to fight against this ever-spreading predicament.

Subjects to be covered:

  • How to detect if your patient has black energies and entities?
  • How to remove black energy and entities from your patient?
  • How to clean your aura?
  • How to put protection around someone.
  • How to check the energy levels of the auras?
  • Different methods of protection. for you, your patient, your office.
  • Can you check and clean yourself of entities?
  • How to be protected?

The course is about 4 to 5 hours

Presented by Richard Benishai, Engineer and Master Geobiologist

Courses dates: All Webinars are scheduled for 12:00 GMT (14:00 Barcelona time)

  • English 4 July
  • French 18 July
  • Spanish 1 August

Contact Richard Benishai for registration. Indicate in your e-mail, the language desired. Instructions will follow thereafter.


8 + 12 =

Course - Detailed Geobiology

Not available in English

Protection Course - Against Dark Energy and Entities

Protection Course - Against Dark Energy and Entities

This training is not part of Geobiology, but by necessity and personal experience, I felt it was essential to share this knowledge with others.

The training offers the means to treat the problem in several stages. It allows the elimination of these disturbing phenomena which have a negative impact on our health and our mental state.

The cleaning techniques used in this work are unveiled during the course.

  • How to detect if a person has black energies and/or entities and how to remove them? Being with the person / using a photo / via the phone.
  • How to check the energy levels of the aura?
  • Different methods of protection.
  • How to put a protection around someone and yourself?
  • How to protect your home / office / clinic?

Courses - Geobiology in churches

Courses - Geobiology in churches

This course is for people who have a basic knowledge of Geobiology (such as Basic Workshop – A new approach to Geobiology).

Places of prayer and meditation, some churches are more than works of art. How have these buildings become places of extraordinary spirituality?
What is this invisible architecture and what energetic wonders are reserved for visitors?

How are dowsing and Geobiology serving the Christian faith?

Much of the techniques used by ancient builders are considered in this context.

I want to share in this way my knowledge and enthusiasm for these high-energy systems, located in such sacred places.

Day 1 :

  • The 6 steps in the construction of a cathedral
  • The birth of a cathedral
  • The Cathedral in the image of the universe
  • First stage: choice of site for construction
  • Second to fourth steps: connecting heaven – earth
  • Fifth stage: the physical construction (golden section, the cubit; forms and symbols; reversal of energy)

Day 2 :

  • Study of the systems used in a church to raise energy
  • Application of mental faculties by the builders
  • How the energy was increased with the walls and columns
  • Visit a church nearby
  • The sixth step: the consecration
  • Practical work on an old technique

The necessary tools (telescopic antennas and pendulum) will be available to you throughout the course.
During the training, complete documentation covering all topics will be given, including graphic materials for analysis.

Courses - Harmonizing at a distance - through the power of the mind

Courses - Harmonizing at a distance - through the power of the mind

This two-day formation is focused on mental work.

Participants must have knowledge of the basics of Geobiology (such as Basic Workshop – A new approach to Geobiology). .

To expand your mental capabilities, develop and rely on your intuition.
Tap into your inner resources and find motivation to pursue life goals.

Recognize that you are capable of influencing reality beyond time and space such as distant clearing of places.
Learn basic healing techniques.

Day 1 :

  • Our mental capacities and limits
  • Analysis of our environment
  • Intuition
  • Motivation
  • Stress
  • Working from distance
  • New development on chimneys and their transposition
  • Creating chimneys and vortexes
  • Transposing Hartmann and Curry lines

Day 2 :

  • Psychic disturbances
  • Sensing energy
  • Energy in forms
  • Principles of form waves
  • Polarity
  • Channeling
  • Retained memories
  • Spirits
  • Harmful objects
  • Magic
  • Electric currents and the human organism
  • Radioactivity and health
  • Chakras and aura

Each student will make a complete energy mapping of his house, his apartment or his property and an analysis of problems encountered.

The necessary tools (telescopic antennas and pendulum) will be available throughout the course.

At the start of training, complete documentation covering all the topics will be given, including graphic templates.

Courses - Basic Workshop - A new approach to Geobiology

Courses - Basic Workshop - A new approach to Geobiology

This workshop is the sum total of many years of experience and research work. Some topics in Geobiology deserve more attention, others less, and this according to their importance.
Thus, new subjects are introduced to provide a solution to today’s problems, in a world that is constantly changing.

Much of the training is set aside for practical field work, following explanations provided in the classroom. The use of the mind is also indicated for certain methods of detection and correction.

To expose each participant to the knowledge and skills necessary for a geobiologist, that is, someone able to analyze a property, detect harmful energies and initiate corrections.
To present techniques used to make a complete energetic harmonization of a property. Today’s efforts are concentrated on underground water veins and on cosmo telluric chimneys, which are becoming increasingly numerous. Hartmann and Curry networks are considered less critical, being instantly neutralized during the process of harmonization.

Practical work on a site will present the subject in concrete terms.

The harmonization process in itself consists of a physical side and of a mental side. The method taught requires no change in the arrangement of furniture and no need for artifacts such as stones, special earth, symbols, etc… The teaching of each step in the harmonization process is explained in detail, so that participants are able to fully understand and perform the process for themselves.

The techniques and approaches used in this work are revealed during the course. A logical and orderly process allows geobiologists to note a gradual increase in energy levels, for successive measurements. Participants will develop a sensitivity for detection and dowsing, which will help in analyzing the site.

Day 1 : Basic Geobiology

History of Geobiology

  • The pendulum, what and how
  • Explanation of the 4 graphs used for all the work
  • Demonstration and practice of graphs

The influence of water currents

  • The scientific reason as to why underground water currents are detrimental
  • Practical exercise in the search for underground currents
  • Blocking currents with a physical method and with a mental method – and comparing


  • Chimneys are a big issue these days; how they work, my new discoveries and how to move them

Electromagnetic networks

  • The two relevant networks: Hartmann and Curry
  • Demonstration and practical exercises
  • The Earth and major energy fluxes as a communication network


  • A comprehensive method for all possible problems
  • Locating visual cues
  • Recognition of pathogenic problems
  • Recording of energy levels for each living space
  • Interpretation of results
  • Correcting problems logically and in an orderly succession
  • Comprehensive review of the process
  • Practicing the harmonization process in the classroom

Day 2 :

Harmonization of a home

  • Detection and neutralization underground currents using the mental
  • Detection and moving of chimneys
  • Increasing the energy with the harmonization procedure

Man and his environment

  • Problems in homes, form waves, paranormal experiences
  • Other causes of harmful influences: radon, microwaves, power lines


The necessary tools (telescopic antennas and pendulum) will be available to you throughout the course.
During the training, complete documentation covering all topics will be given, including graphic materials for analysis.