Yamoussoukro's menhir

Yamoussoukro’s menhir by Richard Benishai | Articles Abidjan, Septembre 2007 On a trip to Yamassoukro, the capital of the Ivory Coast, 2 hours north of Abidjan, I visited with a friend and student of mine, a place of higher learning for engineers and architects...

Le Carrefour de la Vie

Le Carrefour de la Vie par Richard Benishai | Articles Abidjan, 24 Août 2007 A 09:00 du matin, j’ai marché de mon hôtel à un carrefour qui a la réputation d’être un endroit ou les accidents arrivent tout le temps. D’abord, dans le temps il était...

The Turn of Death

The Turn of Death by Richard Benishai | Articles Abidjan, 18 August 2007 Already 10 days that I am in Abidjan, Ivory Coast, in a place called the “Plateau”. Most remarkable here, is the pollution caused by cars and especially by taxis. Since my specialty...