A Nabatean city in the Negev – Avdat

A Nabatean city in the Negev – Avdat by Richard Benishai | Articles Geographical location Avdat was set at its present location (see Figure 1) as a converging point for the various caravan routes crossing the Negev desert. It was founded in the first century BCE...

Mount Tabor

Mount Tabor by Richard Benishai | Articles Some History Mount Tabor is located in the lower Galilee, 17 km west of the Sea of Galilee (Kinneret) Figure 1, at an elevation of 575 m. It is believed to be the site where Jesus Christ performed the Transfiguration, during...

A very special house

A very special house by Richard Benishai | Articles Introduction This article started out to be a report on interesting anomalies. With time it became a sizeable document, demanding a great deal of my time. I am offering you, to take part in a most interesting...

Kursi - Fantastic discoveries

Kursi – Fantastic discoveries by Richard Benishai | Articles Abstract Kursi is an ancient church and monastery, dating back to the 5th century. In the close by hill (see Figure 1), it is said that Jesus performed the Miracle of the Swine, mentioned in the New...

Unlocking the mysteries of Rujm-El-Hiri

Unlocking the mysteries of Rujm-El-Hiri by Richard Benishai | Articles What is this all about? Near Moshav Yonathan, in the Golan Heights, there is a place which has been studied and photographed by many scholars and researchers. This place called “stone heap of...