Saint Sulpice and the "Rose-Line"

Saint Sulpice and the “Rose-Line” by Richard Benishai | Articles Abrégé : Le roman de Dan Brown, le Code de Da Vinci, est devenu un best seller partout dans le monde. En France seulement, 2.3 millions de copies ont été vendues ! Ce roman extrêmement...

TABGHA - on the Sea of Galilee

TABGHA – on the Sea of Galilee by Richard Benishai | Articles Abstract This article is the first, of a series, of its type, published in Israel. Usually, articles on historical locations deal with the history and the physical structure of the site. In this...

Montserrat – Fingers to the Skies

Montserrat – Fingers to the Skies by Richard Benishai | Articles On the 23 of May 2009, with a couple of friends, I had the opportunity to visit a very strange looking mountain, approximately 50 km to the north-west of Barcelona, Spain. Montserrat When seen from the...

Yamoussoukro's menhir

Yamoussoukro’s menhir by Richard Benishai | Articles Abidjan, Septembre 2007 On a trip to Yamassoukro, the capital of the Ivory Coast, 2 hours north of Abidjan, I visited with a friend and student of mine, a place of higher learning for engineers and architects...

Le Carrefour de la Vie

Le Carrefour de la Vie par Richard Benishai | Articles Abidjan, 24 Août 2007 A 09:00 du matin, j’ai marché de mon hôtel à un carrefour qui a la réputation d’être un endroit ou les accidents arrivent tout le temps. D’abord, dans le temps il était...