Light Rings

Products – Light Rings Simple looking, the rings do a marvelous job of generating positive energy. The rings are made of copper, silver-plated, then gold-plated. The circumference of the ring is exactly one cubit (the Cubit is an ancient measure used for...

Pendulum pouches

Products – Pendulum pouches These pouches were designed, based on those used by dowsers in the 20th century. These accessories will protect your pendulum from shock and scratches when carried in your pocket. Made of leather, they are elegant and very lasting. Thanks...

Metal Pendulums

Products – Metal Pendulums Pendulums can be used for regular dowsing. There are however some pendulums, with specific properties as follows: Isis, Osiris, Karnak – The designs of these Egyptian pendulums were found in the pyramids. They are excellent for...

Dowsing Rods

Products – Dowsing Rods L-Rods These are the rods I use. When working in the field, they easily collapse and I slip them in my pocket. When I need them again, I just pull them out of my pocket and extend the telescopic antennas. Since each rod has a ball bearing...