What is Geobiology?

Geobiology is the study of the relations between the Earth and life.

It is an area which allows the study of the effects of the cosmic and earthly rays, of the architectural forms, of materials, of colors, of technological products, etc…, on living beings.

We all have seen that certain locations spread a feeling of well being, whereas other places let us feel uneasy. For certain families or businesses, only bad luck is to be found; for others, success.

Everything around us is vibrations. The energy forces of our environment can be harmonious or in disharmony.

Our living space, our place of work and our recreation areas are under the influence of these forces, acting unsuspectingly on our organism. These waves, present in the entire universe, may cause varying pathogenic effects and affect our physical and mental well-being, as well as our behavior.

After a long-term exposure at harmful locations, troubles may appear, ranging from simple disagreements to more serious pathologies: loss of vitality, insomnia, cancer, suicide, dementia… according to the sensibility of the individual.

The job of the geobiologist is to detect these harmful elements, to rebalance the living space and to raise the level of positive vibrations, in order to allow the body to recharge itself.

It has been scientifically demonstrated that a long stay in a disturbed location, has a definite effect on the electromagnetic functioning of our cells, devitalises our organism and weakens our immunity system.

According to Dr. Ernst Hartmann (German doctor, 1915 – 1992), “illnesses are a problem due to the place where we reside”.

Prior to curing the symptoms of the illness, we must first cure the house.